Animal Garden. Shadow Puppet Theatre


Workshop by Anna Rikkinen

Long version: February 24, 25 (from 15h to 20h) and February 26 (from 10h to 18h)
Short version: February 24 (from 15h to 20h), and February 26 (from 10h to 18h)

On Saturday 26, at 18h, there will be a presentation of the results achieved by the particitpants in the workshop, as well as a lecture by Anna Rikkinen on her work. This event is open to anyone interested at no cost, but you should confirm your attendance in advance.

Place: La Germinal
Cost: 130 € (long version), 100 € (short version)
To participate, please contact us before February 21.

Anna Rikkinen se graduó en la Gerrit Rietveld Academie de Amsterdam y en la South Carelia Politechnic, de Lappeenranta. Anna explora en su trabajo la poética que nace de nuestra interacción con los objetos. Su obra investiga cómo la presencia material de la cosa que hemos construido hechiza nuestra propia presencia y cómo ese vínculo de reconocimiento que establecemos en un momento perdura en el tiempo y dibuja una red/filigrana de relaciones materiales. Anna Rikkinen usa referencias de imagenes antiguas en su obra, a menudo tomadas como material bidimensional (siluetas, manchas planas…) que se reinterpretan a través de proyecciones e instalaciones tridimensionales.

La propuesta del workshop esta dirigida a creadores en los ámbitos del diseño de espacios e instalaciones, así como a creadores de otros ámbitos que quieran explorar el mundo del teatro de sombras y crear conexiones con investigaciones que usen la instalación, la proyección de imágenes, la construcción de cosas y momentos.

Animal Garden


The workshop is about exploring a story and bringing it to life. It is about evolution of objects, plants, animals and our selves.

As a starting point we will work with the idea of garden and animals. The participants should bring 5 photos of animals or plants and 5 photos of manmade objects with them. The project begins with the participants examining the photos. What does an outline of an object or an animal tells you? Is there movement or sound in it and what kind? With short assignments we manipulate the shadows to develop the story and the puppets for our garden.

Over the course of the workshop, participants explore the artistic and technical challenges of using light and shadows, movement, the human body and sound for developing their final performances.

Workshop includes a short introduction to shadow theatre in history and through contemporary artists.

Materials and tools that participants need to bring with them:

paper, cardboard, transparent materials such as colour tissue papers, cellophane, or clear plastic, sticks or straws for rods, paper fasteners for hinges to create movement, scotch tape, glue, a paper knife and scissors.

Anna Rikkinen