INCITARE. To stand on, to stand for, to stand out

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Work Clinic
Four day workshop given to Master’s students from the HDK University, Göteborg, Sweden.


For a a few days we will unfold the question about how much we care about being faithful to our own work and the idea we have of it. How this loyalty is shaping our activity, our production and the beliefs we have on what pertains us and what is out of our reach.

“We artists of to-day (…) we have to spend the best part of our lives in trying to get hold of some “style” which shall be natural to us, and too often fail in doing so; or perhaps oftener still, having acquired our “style” that is, our method of expression, become so enamoured of the means, that we forget the end, and find that we have nothing to express except our self-satisfaction in the possession of our very imperfect instrument; so that you will find clever and gifted men at the present day who are prepared to sustain as a theory, that art has no function but the display of clever executive qualities, and that one subject is as good as another.”

William Morris. The Arts and Crafts of To-day. 1889


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Workshop at LaGerminal

18th October 2013 (from 9:00/12:00 and 14:00/17:00)

Fee: 40€

For inscriptions, please, go here.


First a jewel needs to be produced; then there will be a body that will interact with it, evoking a series of reactions and feelings on the person itself and on the other. So, in its core structure, jewellery presents three agents: the maker, the user and the viewer.

In this workshop we will blend the roles of maker/user and focus on the relationship and opportunities of interaction between the user and the viewer, researching how does this relationship occurs and what are its potential possibilities.

In order to do so we will approach concepts and practices of contemporary art and we will have practical exercises derived from Aikido just as a fundamental preparation of the conscience about the interaction with the other.



Mirla Fernandes is Brazilian visual artist whose work has an emphasis on the body as subject, pursuing ways of promoting enhanced perception through out object-jewels. Some of these investigations have been done also through Aikido, a martial art she studies since 2004 and today also acts as an instructor.

Often using crossing procedures of varied medias such as jewellery, painting, drawing, photograph and engraving, she has been exhibiting her work in the international contemporary jewellery scene since 1998, being nominated for the Prince Claus Award in 2010.

Coordinating NOVAJOIA since 2006, she promotes exhibitions, workshops and lectures on art-jewellery, working along with Ornata, a Brazilian academic research group, and also with Otro Diseño Foundation.



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INCITARE- To weigh up, to drag, to shift.

Barcelona, 15-19 April 2013.

You know how you know when someone’s telling lies? They 
get their story right every time, down to the last word.

Whereas when they tell the truth it’s never the same twice. They

–Ciaran Carson, “The Shadow”


After being for a while totally absorbed at the construction of a universe, it’s worth to lift our eyes and let our mind to unfocus and to wonder around so that we can explore new meaning areas.

Leaving aside how extremely difficult it is to lie in matters of making and unmaking,

to reformulate our making seems an interesting task to spend a time on it.

For that matter, questioning around what we are working on, can lead us to a nourishing new situation. To use the experience of being out of our place might help us to get some unexpected prey on the matter that has monopolized our attention for so long.

MICA, Observar y recortar

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Work Clinic

«Bello como el encuentro casual de una máquina de coser y un paraguas sobre una mesa de operaciones».



Para alcanzar su cometido estas breves clinicas se ajustan y se transforman para adaptarse a cada uno de los participantes. Lo que se intenta es activar un encuentro fugaz que dinamice las coordenadas estancas.

La metodología que se propone es establecer un dialogo a partir de un primera exposición y mirada del material que se presenta. Este material puede ser obra acabada o bien un proyecto en curso. La intención es que las preguntas vayan deshaciendo algunas cáscaras, abriendo capas formales y de sentido y posibilitando nuevas combinatorias y lecturas. Partimos de lo que hay, pero vamos a activarlo para que pueda oxigenarse y ser luego utilizado como elemento generador más que como algo hecho, concluido. En un primer movimiento buscamos aflojar la trama para poder examinar la estructura del trabajo, luego se pueden arriesgar nuevas proyecciones.

El objetivo de la clínica de obra es aportar recursos para impulsar los proyectos que se estan desarrollando, reforzar el lenguaje propio de cada creador y acompañar en la práctica de un pensamiento crítico aplicado.


Esta actividad se realizará en el marco del evento  Mercado de Industrias Culturales Argentinas MICA-2013, 11-14 de Abril de 2013 en Buenos Aires. ( )


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Espacio (fecundar, extender, rasgar, señalar).

La propuesta es utilizar el concepto de espacio para investigar nuestra propia práctica creativa/artística. Esta práctica se nutre de elementos espaciales y se ejerce en contextos específicos. Revisaremos como los ignoramos, los encubrimos o los activamos. Arrimándonos a la idea de espacio, vamos a experimentar, investigar y examinar los procesos de trabajo desde el momento de la concepción hasta el despliegue de la exposición.

El taller busca tanto fortalecer estrategias creativas existentes como estimular nuevos planteamientos.

Este curso se desarrollará en Buenos Aires, los días 6, 7 y 9 de Abril de 2013.


Dirigido a artistas visuales de todas las disciplinas, diseñadores, principiantes y profesionales que estén interesados en experimentar, cuestionar, transitar y debatir ideas.