Author: Gemma

Mar Sánchez comenta su Clínica de Obra

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Clínica de obra

“Cuando conocí a Gemma, yo empezaba a trabajar en un proyecto importante para mí. Estaba preparando una exposición individual. Tenía el concepto, algunos dibujos y varias maquetas. Pero quedaba un largo camino por recorrer. Cuando Gemma me habló de la Clínica de obra de La Germinal, no dudé. Me pareció una oportunidad increíble tener a alguien con criterio dispuesto a reflexionar y opinar sobre mi trabajo. En ese momento estaba cuestionándome, no solo el camino creativo que escogería, materiales y técnicas, sino […]

Incitare – enter the city

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Work Clinic / Workshop

Incitare – enter the city. Workshop at La Germinal Can the experience of a new place affect the way we face our work? We engaged in guided walks through some of the city borders to find unexpected doors. Though these entrances are unknown for us, can we recognize them as the holes which lead us to our work? An intense researching week, a mix of derives and discussions with a group of students from the […]

Inner woods

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On December 4th, and promoted by Filagarsa, we gathered in La Germinal to celebrate poetry and nature. Comforted by mulled wine and smelling wild leaves and rosemary brought for the occasion, each participant read poems aloud in an intimate celebration of words and silences, of sense and life. The poems and texts we enjoyed belong to Perajaume’s last book Pagèsiques.

La Germinal has moved to a new (great) space

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La Germinal has moved to a new (great) space We’ve been busy working to set up a new place. The new (great) space is getting ready to host the 2012 activities. Keep tuned since the program will be posted soon. We hope that what we’re cooking for you will excite and engage your taste. You’re always welcome to visit us but in the meantime here you have here some pictures.