Author: Gemma

INCITARE. To stand on, to stand for, to stand out

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Work Clinic

Four day workshop given to Master’s students from the HDK University, Göteborg, Sweden.   For a a few days we will unfold the question about how much we care about being faithful to our own work and the idea we have of it. How this loyalty is shaping our activity, our production and the beliefs we have on what pertains us and what is out of our reach. “We artists of to-day (…) we have […]


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  SENSORIAL CONTAMINATION / Mirla Fernandes Workshop at LaGerminal 18th October 2013 (from 9:00/12:00 and 14:00/17:00) Fee: 40€ For inscriptions, please, go here. CONCEPT First a jewel needs to be produced; then there will be a body that will interact with it, evoking a series of reactions and feelings on the person itself and on the other. So, in its core structure, jewellery presents three agents: the maker, the user and the viewer. In this […]


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INCITARE- To weigh up, to drag, to shift. Barcelona, 15-19 April 2013. You know how you know when someone’s telling lies? They 
get their story right every time, down to the last word. Whereas when they tell the truth it’s never the same twice. They
reformulate. –Ciaran Carson, “The Shadow”   After being for a while totally absorbed at the construction of a universe, it’s worth to lift our eyes and let our mind to unfocus […]

MICA, Observar y recortar

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Work Clinic

«Bello como el encuentro casual de una máquina de coser y un paraguas sobre una mesa de operaciones». Lautréamont   Para alcanzar su cometido estas breves clinicas se ajustan y se transforman para adaptarse a cada uno de los participantes. Lo que se intenta es activar un encuentro fugaz que dinamice las coordenadas estancas. La metodología que se propone es establecer un dialogo a partir de un primera exposición y mirada del material que se […]


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Espacio (fecundar, extender, rasgar, señalar). La propuesta es utilizar el concepto de espacio para investigar nuestra propia práctica creativa/artística. Esta práctica se nutre de elementos espaciales y se ejerce en contextos específicos. Revisaremos como los ignoramos, los encubrimos o los activamos. Arrimándonos a la idea de espacio, vamos a experimentar, investigar y examinar los procesos de trabajo desde el momento de la concepción hasta el despliegue de la exposición. El taller busca tanto fortalecer estrategias […]